- Reuven Israel Wendell Gladstone Brussels2017 Shulamit Nazarian Install
- Reuven Israel Wendell Gladstone Brussels2017 Shulamit Nazarian Install2
- Wendell Gladstone Brussels2017 Shulamit Nazarian Install3
- Reuven Israel Wendell Gladstone Brussels2017 Shulamit Nazarian Install4
- Wendell Gladstone Brussels2017 Shulamit Nazarian Install1
- Reuven Israel Wendell Gladstone Brussels2017 Shulamit Nazarian Install2
- Wendell Gladstone, Smoke Screen, 2016
- Reuven Israel, Back of the Black Slump, 2018
- Wendell Gladstone, Cradle, 2017
- Reuven Israel, Neck of the Wood, 2018
- Wendell Gladstone, Dreamers, 2016
- Reuven Israel, Another Sunset, 2017
Reuven Israel Wendell Gladstone Brussels2017 Shulamit Nazarian Install

For Art Brussels 2017, Shulamit Nazarian presents a two-person booth of recent sculptures by Brooklyn/Tel Aviv-based Israeli artist Reuven Israel and new paintings by Los Angeles-based American artist Wendell Gladstone.
In each artist’s work, viewers are confronted with indeterminate mediums that deceive as they test one’s conventional understanding of form, surface, and art object.