Variable West: Editor's Picks — Maria A. Guzmán Capron: Celaje

Amelia Rina, Variable West, November 11, 2021

Variable West Founder Amelia Rina picks the most exciting events and exhibitions on the West Coast.

We're trying something new: each pick includes a question meant to act as a prompt for thinking about the art, artist, or exhibition.


Maria A. Guzmán Capron, Siempre, 2021. Fabric, thread, batting, latex paint, spray paint and acrylic paint, 40 x 62 in.


Longtime Cliff Notes readers know how much I love Maria A. Capron's creations (which is also why I'm so immensely thrilled to have her as the January artist in our Annual Fundraiser Calendar!).


This exhibition—Capron's first solo show in LA—is guaranteed to delight and inspire. She has an incredible ability to weave explorations of identity politics with forms, figures, and colors that feel both bizarre and familiar. Capron captures the amorphous, blobby, stretchy, awkward experience of being in a human body with many complex identities. 


Reflection: How many cultural identities do you have? Do any contradict each other?


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