Summer Wheat: Catch and Release
Shulamit Nazarian is pleased to present Catch and Release, a solo exhibition by Brooklyn-based artist Summer Wheat. This will be the artist’s first solo exhibition in Los Angeles.
Wheat’s paintings present a tradition in which women were the original hunters, technologists, and artists, and Catch and Release continues her exploration of this archetype and its many variations. The series depicts women catching and releasing fish as a symbol of fertility, creation, and transformation. In connecting to water and its creatures, the subjects demonstrate an inherent link to natural elements and to the intricate depths of the unconscious.
Summer Wheat’s works arise from an effort to harness paint as a three-dimensional object. From a distance, the paintings appear to be tapestries with a woven or beaded surface, but upon closer inspection the materials are revealed: Paint is pushed through the small openings of aluminum mesh, creating a soft, textile-like form that also evokes the pixilation of digital images. The women in the paintings are connected by dense geometric patterns that explore psychological spaces, and the many narratives within each painting coalesce into one. Drawing on numerous rich art historical traditions—from Egyptian relief sculptures to Modernist painting—Wheat’s work destabilizes material boundaries and monumentalizes quotidian life through scale and movement.
Summer Wheat, Heavy Lifting, 2018
Summer Wheat, Catch and Release, 2018
Summer Wheat, Biting Nails, 2018
Summer Wheat, Swedish Fish, 2018
Summer Wheat, Mostly Turtles, 2018
Summer Wheat, Fisher, 2018
Summer WheatFish Tears, 2018Acrylic on aluminum mesh68 x 48 inches
Summer Wheat, Eel, 2018
Summer Wheat, Eternal Release, 2018
Summer Wheat, Catch and Release, installation view
Summer Wheat, Catch and Release, installation view
Summer Wheat, Catch and Release, installation view
Summer Wheat, Catch and Release, installation view
Summer Wheat, Catch and Release, installation view
Summer Wheat, Catch and Release, installation view
art in america: summer wheat
Jennifer S. Li, Art in America, November 1, 2018 -
Riot Girl: summer wheat, catch and release
Emily Nimptsch, Riot Girl, October 15, 2018 -
Contemporary Art Review Los Angeles: Summer wheat at shulamit nazarian
Claire de Dobay, Contemporary Art Review Los Angeles, October 3, 2018